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Putting Faces to Your Mission: Testimonial Videos That Build Trust in 2024

It's time to harness the power of testimonial videos to showcase your social impact and inspire action.
May 1, 2024
Putting Faces to Your Mission: Testimonial Videos That Build Trust in 2024

Imagine this: You're a donor considering supporting a local housing program. You've read their website, seen statistics, but what will really move you to act? A heart-wrenching story about a family living in unsafe conditions? A beaming single mom showing you the first home she's ever owned, thanks to that program?

That's the power testimonial videos have. 

For social impact organizations, they go beyond showcasing services to showing lives changed, and in 2024, simply hitting a record isn't enough. 

How can your organization use testimonial videos to turn potential interest into active support? Let's explore how to make your videos truly resonate.

A Goodsides frame tapping into Concept #1 below.

Core Concepts for Powerful Testimonials

Concept 1: The "Feel-Good" Montage Reimagined

Your goal with videos like this is simple: capture and convey the genuine energy of your events or programs.

While a polished presentation is tempting, real emotional reactions are far more impactful. Focus on honest smiles, shared laughter, even a sigh of relief when someone finally gets the help they need. These unscripted moments convey authenticity in a way that no staged production ever could.

Also, think about incorporating "found footage"-styled clips filmed by participants themselves (even if you subtly suggest what to film). This adds a layer of sincerity that professional crews simply can't replicate.

Finally, don't overlook the human faces behind your organization – glimpses of your team in action or volunteers offering a helping hand remind viewers that it's a caring community making a difference.

Letting people speak for themselves is extremely powerful. This Goodsides frame relates to Concept #2.

Concept 2: The Voice Matters Most Documentary

Sometimes, the best way to show the impact of your work is by letting the people you've helped speak for themselves.

Capture heartfelt testimonials where they open up about the struggles they faced, how your organization stepped in, and how their lives have been changed for the better because of your support. Pair these powerful words with visuals that make their journey real: a struggling family finally moving into a safe home, a graduate proudly starting their first day in their new career. This gives their words even more resonance.

While data shouldn't be entirely neglected, use it subtly. Simple visuals displaying relevant figures (number of people helped, etc.) can add credibility, but the emotional impact of individual stories should always remain the primary focus.

Concept 3: Vignettes That Tell a Story

Take viewers beyond the initial feel-good moment and showcase the lasting and transformative effects of your programs. Each vignette becomes a mini-story.

Start with a participant getting ready for the program, capturing their hopes and maybe a little nervousness. Follow this with them actively engaged in the experience, showcasing their participation. Finally, highlight the positive change: them beaming with pride over their completed project or thriving in a new environment. This creates an arc that feels relatable and allows the viewer to experience the journey alongside them.

It's crucial that these vignettes reflect the diversity of those you serve. Potential supporters, seeing themselves reflected in those you help, are far more likely to connect with your organization, building both trust and a sense of community. Finally, don't underestimate the power of music. Each vignette's soundtrack significantly impacts the emotional response. Choose music that's upbeat for successes and softer for those overcoming struggles to subtly enhance the viewer's connection to the story without the need for additional dialogue.

Bonus Tips and Data-Backed Insights

  • Embrace the short and sweet: On social media, people scroll fast! Create edited versions of your best moments, keeping them under a minute, even shorter for platforms like Instagram Stories or TikTok.

  • Give participants the spotlight: Encourage those you serve to share their own stories through contests or special projects. It's incredibly powerful for people to hear directly from someone just like them about how your organization changed their lives. Plus, their friends and family will see it too, spreading the word!

  • Don't leave 'em hanging: All that feel-good energy your videos create? Channel it! Include a crystal-clear way for viewers to get involved: volunteering, donating, etc. Don't make them have to hunt for the info, have direct links ready to go.

  • Testimonials aren't just a nice touch, they're powerful: Websites with testimonials see a serious boost in traffic! People want to know they can trust you, and hearing it from someone else is way more convincing than any ad (Boast). In fact, 97% of businesses say reviews are more trustworthy than flashy marketing (Market Business News).

  • Get creative with formats:
    • Sometimes a short "before and after" clip comparing someone's situation before and after your program is all it takes to show what you do!
    • Simple but impactful: overlay a powerful quote from a participant on a photo that represents their transformation.
    • Ever wondered what a day is really like for someone you help? Have them film snippets themselves to share that inside perspective.
A PIO prepares to take a shot. DIY can sometimes fit certain themes (but use it sparingly).

DIY Video Tips for Powerful Results

For in-house teams and public information officers (PIOs) who might think they can achieve professional results simply by showing up with an iPhone and grabbing a few shots, here’s a list of tailored recommendations to elevate their video production quality while still leveraging the convenience of accessible technology:

Preparation and Planning:

  • Storyboarding: Plan the sequence of shots and the story you want to tell. This helps in maintaining a clear focus and ensures that the video has a coherent narrative.
  • Shot List: Make a detailed list of all the shots you need before arriving at the venue. This prevents missing critical footage and helps manage shooting time efficiently.

Enhancing Video Quality with Smartphones:

  • Use a Gimbal: Invest in a gimbal or stabilizer for smoother shots. This is crucial for moving shots and avoids shaky, amateurish video footage.
  • External Microphone: Attach an external microphone to your iPhone for better audio quality. Audio clarity is critical, and built-in mics often pick up background noise.
  • Lighting Accessories: Utilize portable lighting solutions to improve video quality, especially in poorly lit conditions.

Framing and Composition:

  • Rule of Thirds: Use the rule of thirds to frame your subjects more engagingly. Most smartphones have grid settings that can guide you in framing your shots.
  • Background Consideration: Be mindful of the background. Avoid cluttered or distracting backgrounds that can detract from the subject.

Optimal Use of Smartphone Features:

  • Focus and Exposure Lock: Always set and lock the focus and exposure on your smartphone to prevent automatic adjustments that can ruin shots.
  • High-Resolution Setting: Ensure your video settings are on the highest quality resolution, typically 1080p or 4K, to capture the best video footage.

Post Production:

  • Basic Editing Tools: Use user-friendly editing software like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Rush for editing your videos.
  • Color Correction: Apply basic color correction to enhance the visual appeal of your videos.
  • Adding Subtitles: Include subtitles for accessibility and understanding in noisy environments.

Continuous Learning and Feedback:

  • Review and Revise: Watch your videos critically, and seek feedback from others.
  • Training and Workshops: Consider attending workshops or online tutorials on mobile videography.

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  • Permissions and Releases: Always have the necessary permissions and release forms signed, especially in sensitive or private environments.

These recommendations aim to equip in-house teams and PIOs with practical tips and strategies to produce high-quality videos that effectively convey their intended messages, even when using seemingly simple tools like smartphones.

Certain figures' testimony should fit their authority and be placed in the right contexts.

Goodsides: Your Partner in Impactful Storytelling

At Goodsides, we understand that your work centers on people and the transformative power of your programs.

When you need to go beyond in-house capabilities, we partner with you to create testimonial videos that do more than just showcase, they resonate and inspire:

  • Production Expertise: Let us handle advanced filming techniques, lighting, and sound design.
  • Custom Graphics and Animation: Add impactful visuals that tell your story at a glance.
  • Strategic Storytelling: We craft narratives designed to connect with your audience.
  • Bespoke Training: Empower your staff to develop their own video skills and confidence.
This is the perfect establishing shot for an aquatics testimonial. That's the power of outsourcing; getting the right shot for the job, every time.

Ready to Change Lives Through Video?

Let's work together to tell the stories that show the incredible difference you make – not just to your donors or partners, but to every single person whose life your work touches. 

Contact us today! Your next success story could be just one compelling video away.